Sep 05, 2014 · Identifying the actual services and programs that are running inside each SVCHOST.EXE process is a task well worth knowing, especially when the process eats up 99 or 100 percent of your CPU! So before we dive into solutions, let’s get a deeper understanding of what this process actually does and how you can go about fixing some of the

After launching it, go to the CPU tab, select all svchost processes, and view all the information about the services, modules, and associated files. Method 3 Scanning files for viruses is a simple and effective method to identify the original file. Dec 05, 2016 · Bella’s computer is very slow. It takes ages before it completes trivial tasks like opening or closing windows. When Bella checked her computer’s Task Manager, she found out that a process called svchost.exe was using up a lot of CPU and memory. Jan 21, 2017 · Hi. I have recently started having CPU problems. Apparently, it's because of a trojan virus called svchost.exe. Anytime I use an internet browser (any) I get a message from my web protection that it's blocking the virus but my CPU still gets overloaded. May 24, 2018 · At services tab you should see several highlighted services that run under the svchost.exe process. 5. Now it ‘s time to find out which process is hogging CPU resources: To do that, you have two

Most of the cases the svchost high CPU windows 10 problems occur on computers that are affected by a malware program or a virus. In the rest of the cases, Memory leak problems or svchost high CPU usage can be created by a Windows Update, or by other programs or by a full Event log file or services that start many processes during their execution.

Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del at the same time. Click on the Processes tab and select the svchost.exe process that is using too many system resources. Right-click on the process and select Go to service(s). It will automatically switch over to the Services tab and highlight the services that are being used under that particular

Sep 05, 2014 · Identifying the actual services and programs that are running inside each SVCHOST.EXE process is a task well worth knowing, especially when the process eats up 99 or 100 percent of your CPU! So before we dive into solutions, let’s get a deeper understanding of what this process actually does and how you can go about fixing some of the

Total processes requested: 14 only showing those using CPU time. InstanceName CPU% PID ProcessPath svchost 0.39 1152 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs