Shorewall is a high-level configuration tool for Netfilter. Shorewall works by reading configuration files (with the help of iptables, iptables-restore, ip, and tc) found in /etc/shorewall. The primary files used are: Interfaces — defines the physical networking interfaces to be used

## Shorewall version 1.3 - Rules File # # /etc/shorewall/rules # # Rules in this file govern connection establishment. Requests and # responses are automatically allowed using connection tracking. # # In most places where an IP address or subnet is allowed, you # can preceed the address/subnet with "!" See shorewall-policy(5) and shorewall-rules(5) for details. This provides a means for reducing the size of the hash tables. 9) You man now specify the number of hash table buckets and the maximum number of hash table entries in the RATE columns of the policy and rules files, when per-IP limiting is used. Entries in this file govern connection establishment by defining exceptions to the policies laid out in m[blue]shorewall-policym[][1](5). By default, subsequent requests and responses are automatically allowed using connection tracking. Jul 12, 2013 · Practical configuration of Shorewall is very well explained in the Shorewall quick start. The one thing that is not immediately obvious is a strategy for planning the contents of the /etc/shorewall/policy and /etc/shorewall/rules files. Shorewall is an open source firewall tool for Linux that builds upon the Netfilter (iptables/ipchains) system built into the Linux kernel, making it easier to manage more complex configuration schemes by providing a higher level of abstraction for describing rules using text files. I have a problem with my shorewall policy. There are 4 zones configured in shorewall but the policy vpn2vpn:accept doesn't work. I want to establish connections between PPTP clients. They are dropped when using the current policy. However if I change the all2all policy at the end of the policy file to all2all:accept it works. Normally, when the SOURCE or DEST columns in shorewall-policy(5) contains 'all', a single policy chain is created and thes policy is enforced in that chain. For example, if the policy entry is For example, if the policy entry is

Though, it creates a little side effect now : # shorewall ck Checking using Shorewall 5.2.3 ERROR: Policy "all all DROP" duplicates earlier policy "all all REJECT" /etc/shorewall/policy (line 11) What I want to achieve : - Every intra-zone non-explicit rules fall into REJECT like z1:host1 trying to reach zX:hostX (including any host in z1

Make sure you /etc/shorewall/policy file has a section to allow VPN to LOC and LOC to VPN: loc vpn ACCEPT vpn loc ACCEPT or rules in the /etc/shorewall/rules file to allow loc to vpn and vpn to loc. ACCEPT loc vpn ACCEPT vpn loc And your /etc/shorewall/tunnels file should have this in it: I'm going to install Shorewall on a Debian stable Linux box. The shorewall version in the stable repositories is Shorewall website suggests to pin apt preferences and force the download of /etc/shorewall/policy file: #SOURCE DEST POLICY LOGLEVEL loc net ACCEPT This means by default everything from local network to internet will be allowed through the firewall. Now if you want to block something, lets say port 80, you will need to put a block rule on top.

The Shoreline Firewall, more commonly known as "Shorewall", is a high-level tool for configuring Netfilter. You describe your firewall/gateway requirements using entries in a set of configuration files. Shorewall reads those configuration files and with the help of the iptables utility, Shorewall configures Netfilter to match your requirements.

/etc/ shorewall /policy – This establishes the firewall’s high-level policy. /etc/ shorewall / initdone – This is an optional Perl script, which is executed by the Shorewall rules compiler after finalising installation. /etc/ shorewall /interfaces – This explains the interfaces on the firewall system. Jan 03, 2012 · The policy sets the overall layout for who is allowed to go where. It makes broad sweeps and big changes. Start here for designing security. Each line is processed from top to bottom for every packet that goes to or through the router.